Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wise Words: Joe Paterno

"Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it will satisfy your hunger, but it won't taste good."

A profound statement. Interestingly, the quote comes from late football coach Joe Paterno. The legendary Penn State coach died, this week, at the age of 85.

The last months of his life were wrought with controversy. The university fired him in November following a child-sex abuse scandal involving one of Paterno’s former assistants. Investigators say Paterno reported claims of molestation to school officials but not to police. The allegations did not come to light, until years later.

News agencies state Paterno died of lung cancer. He learned the diagnosis just days before being forced out of the post he held for more than four decades.

I still wonder, if Joe just couldn’t live without football? Did he die of cancer or a broken heart?

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