Friday, February 3, 2012

Put Your John Hancock On It!

Most people wouldn't remember who John Hancock was if he didn't sign his name in large letters on the Declaration of Independence.

Lesson Learned: Don't be afraid to make your mark when get the chance!

I received this lightbulb of information while watching, "Who Wants to be a Millionaire." The contestants are seeking fortune. However, John Hancock has fame to outlast centuries for simply writing his name. How many others scribbled their initials on the historic document. Can you name five people?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wise Words: Joe Paterno

"Success without honor is an unseasoned dish; it will satisfy your hunger, but it won't taste good."

A profound statement. Interestingly, the quote comes from late football coach Joe Paterno. The legendary Penn State coach died, this week, at the age of 85.

The last months of his life were wrought with controversy. The university fired him in November following a child-sex abuse scandal involving one of Paterno’s former assistants. Investigators say Paterno reported claims of molestation to school officials but not to police. The allegations did not come to light, until years later.

News agencies state Paterno died of lung cancer. He learned the diagnosis just days before being forced out of the post he held for more than four decades.

I still wonder, if Joe just couldn’t live without football? Did he die of cancer or a broken heart?

Wisecrack: What's In A Name?

Blue Ivy?! Might as well have named the child Snow White!

Earlier this month, singer Beyonce and her husband, rapper Jay-Z welcomed their baby, Blue Ivy, into the world. Congratulations on their bundle of joy!

Reports claim the infant’s name stems from her father’s Blue album and the mother’s IV album. The Roman numeral four which reads, Ivy. While it seems the music power couple put a lot of thought into their daughter’s name, I still think it sounds silly.

As my mother put it, “Snow White would’ve made more sense. Snow is white. Ivies are not blue!”

A Third Eye

I once heard funnyman Steve Harvey say, in one of his standup specials, as a comedian he has a third eye to see the world differently. As a writer and storyteller, I feel I have a similar GOD-given gift of a fresh perspective. This blog has my observations. Some funny. Some thought-provoking. Perhaps, you will be entertained.

I write because it makes me feel better and it is cheaper than therapy.

It’s Always Been There

For at least two years, I have tried to come with a title and subject matter for a blog. I did some brainstorming, sought ideas from Facebook friends and actually started one called, “Love Stories.” Unfortunately, I was un-inspired and didn’t post much.

Then, a few weeks ago, I stumbled across this one, “Wisecracks and Wise Words.” The title embodies everything I want to say.
I started it 3 years ago, made one post and forgot the site existed. Now, I am also considering starting a Twitter account under the same name.

Funny, it's always been there.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

My Heart's Desire

Psalm 37:4

Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Here's how you know when something is a GOD-given desire. When you let go it, but it won't let go of you!

I wish I could take credit for this one. But, I heard Pastor Joel Osteen say it in church one Sunday. It touched me, because that's exactly how I feel about becoming a both a television personality and author.